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Tibetan Plateau: First weekend

Getting to the Tibetan Plateau felt like a waterfall that would clean up my being, giving me new eyes. Everything looked, tasted, felt, smelled and sounded different.

On the right is the first drink in the region, delicious tea, which I first thought were algae. Most of the food around the Plateau is self prepared and from own land and animals, mostly yaki's milk for butter and yoghurt.

It was a warm welcome and I met a very friendly Australian Yoga-Basketball family who took me next day on their trip to the cave and monastery. They give tours in Cambodia and have a charity to build houses for the people there (

On the first morning I was surprised to wake up with snow! it melted eventually but it certainly looked beautiful.

I got to see where a bit of the workshop of Norlah's, where I will be working on the coming three weeks. Later, the Australian family and I visited a monastery nearby.

and hiked up the mountain looking for a cave. We started at 3500m high.

And we found it! The snow was gone by then.

A lot of offerings and messages inside the cave.

This colourful, square textiles are everywhere, with Tibetan writings on them.


They are made of organic fibers, so eventually they go back to nature but before that, you can see them hanging on the trees for a while. They looked truly beautiful from close, with water drops in them.

One of the first things that got my attention were wooden sticks piramides with colourful square fabrics too. I heard that the tribes combine their prayers on those structures and also, when someone dies they chop down the body and let it be eaten by the vultures. I did indeed see many vultures around here. But also many marmots, yaks, horses, pigs and very few dogs. There is a special sort of dog around the area, the fluffy Tibetan Mastiff.

Tomorrow the work officially starts and I am very much looking forward to create with Norlah's. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the post!


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