What I didn't Dream
25 x 20 cm - Hard cover on canvas and paper sleeve. € 47

As a kid, photographer Anahí Clemens received a postcard from Belice sent by her father. "There are many worlds in this world" he wrote. The seed of curiosity was planted. Eventually Anahí traveled around the world for her work as photographer. Travel in the broader sense of the word. "The whole world is a museum" she says, meaning to pay attention to the beauty in the small and bizarre things around us. While working she learnt more than photographic techniques, she observed how others experienced life. The photo camera became her visa to those other worlds in this world. The book is a photographic collection as well as a collage of reflections.
De niña, la fotógrafa Anahí Clemens recibió una postal de Belice enviara por su padre, "Hay muchos mundos en éste mundo" escribió. La semilla de la curiosidad estaba plantada. Eventualmente, Anahí viajó por el mundo por su trabajo como fotógrafa. Viajar en el amplio sentido de la palabra. “El mundo entero es mundo” dice ella, haciendo énfasis en la belleza de lo pequeño y bizarro de lo que nos rodea. Al trabajar aprendió más que técnicas fotográficas, observó cómo otros experimentan la vida. La cámara fotográfica se convirtió en su visa a esos otros mundos en el mundo. El libro es una colección fotográfica y un collage de reflexiones. Viaja por medio de los ojos de Anahí y sueña por lugares como la Meseta Tibetana, Cuba, el sur de Europa y America Latina.
“Travel the different worlds in this world through Anahí's eyes"
Tulp Magazine, Spring 2020
“One of the most brilliant photographers that knows how to capture her special soul and self through a lens "
Nataj Elhani, director of The Link Academy
and photographer at Freedom of Stories